Useful Information On How To Receive The Birth Certificate Of Your Baby?

This is an important question, because without the birth certificate you can not get child allowance or parental benefits. (Kindergeld and Elterngeld)

So, listen up:

  1. The hospital, birthing house is obliged to register the birth of your baby.
  2. Your babies birth is being registered in the registry office within the district you give birth in.
  3. If you had a home birth you will have to present a form from the midwife,who was present at the birth,to the Standesamt (registry office) of your Bezirk.

Further you will need:

you are not married (and have never been married before)

  • birth certificate from mother
  • birth certificate from father
  • if applicable paternity statement and right of custody
  • birth certificates of both parents
  • marriage document
  •  birth certificate from mother
  • marriagedocument
  • divorce decree
  • birthcertificatefromfather
  • if applicable paternity statement and right of custody

Generally you will be asked for your passports and if existing,the Meldebescheinigung (registration card).

Most registry offices want a translation of your personal documents into german,please inquire in the answerable office.


3 copies are free of charge, and you will receive them anyway.

1- is for the Elterngeld (parental money)

2- is for the Kindergeld (child allowance)

3- is for the insurance the baby is going to be  with ( Krankenkasse)

And of course you can ask for additional copies and even international copies are possible.


At first  I found it looked way more complicated than it was in the end.
I hope you will feel the same way too.


Mise le meas,




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